Men's Health December 12, 2024 男性也有更年期 中医治疗调症状 更年期是人体自然老化的生理过程,每当提起,通常会想到女性,事实上,当男性步入中老年阶段,即50至60岁时,因为雄激素水平下降,出现更年期相关症状。
Prolonged Sitting Lead to Male Infertility 4 Tips for “Protecting Fertility”
Prolonged Sitting Lead to Male Infertility4 Tips for “Protecting Fertility” Nowaday, prolonged sitting have become the norm for many men. However, this habit poses a hidden risk to male health, particularly fertility.
天气骤变孩子感冒 中医调理妙处多
孩童保健 December 6, 2024 天气骤变孩子感冒 中医调理妙处多 近来大马的天气变化剧烈,温差极大,时而艳阳高照,时而暴雨转凉,病毒伺机而动。这让不少父母为抵抗力较弱的年幼孩子感到担忧。
Testimonial: The Struggle with Modern Life
At 55, Ms. Gao’s life was overshadowed by chronic fatigue, digestive issues, and postmenopausal discomfort. Despite getting enough sleep rest, she was trapped in a cycle of tiredness, suffering from flatulence, dehydration, and irregular bowel movements. Her low blood pressure only added to her dizziness and overall discomfort. Finding Relief through Traditional Chinese Medicine: In […]
Testimonial: Recovering from Bell’s Palsy
Understanding Bell’s Palsy (also known as face paralysis): Bell’s Palsy manifests as facial paralysis on one side, resulting from facial nerve dysfunction. This condition often leaves individuals with drooping muscles, affecting their ability to smile, close the eye, or even eat comfortably. While the exact cause of Bell’s Palsy is still being studied, it is […]
Testimonial: 60 Years Old with Type 2 Diabetes
The story of our customer, Mr. Chen, a 60-year-old patient, stands out as an inspiring testament to the effectiveness of integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with conventional treatments for managing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Initial Diagnosis and TCM Approach: With a history of impaired glucose tolerance identified a year before, Mr. Chen had not used […]
Testimonial: Chronic Kidney Conditions & Managing Type 2 Diabetes
For 8 years, Mr. Chin, at the age of 65, faced the daily challenges of diabetes. Relying on insulin and other treatments, he worked hard to manage his condition. But these treatments, while necessary, sometimes put extra pressure on his kidneys. Unfortunately, this led to a new problem: Chronic Kidney Disease. This was a direct […]